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Below, please find a special message from one of our advertisers, Perdue for Senate.
The stakes are FAR too high for you to ignore this email, James. This Senate race is about more than just Georgia. Our runoff is the last line of defense against a far-Left, socialist takeover of our country. The radical Left CONTINUES to gain momentum as they attempt to permanently CHANGE our nation with their DANGEROUS, liberal agenda. I’m doing everything I can to ensure that the road to socialism NEVER runs through the state of Georgia, but to do that I need your help.
With a Democratic Senate Majority, there is absolutely NOTHING standing in the radical Left’s way of implementing their Green New Deal, defunding the police, packing the Supreme Court, taking away your 2nd Amendment rights, and MORE. If Democrats take the Senate, America as we know it will be changed forever. Letting up now means that control of our country falls into the hands of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Stacey Abrams, and the rest of the radical, socialist Left. Is that what you want, James? I’m counting on your help TODAY to save Georgia and save America. The stakes have NEVER been higher. Thank you, David Perdue
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